

Collection is a logical grouping of the files, like photo albums based on places and people. Users can group the similar files into a Collection. For example, all employee related files in Solix organization, like joining forms, employee accounts, etc. can all be grouped into a Solix Employee Collection.  Also, users can access the files easily and quickly using Collections. ECS provides an easy and effective way to create and manage the collections.

All the collections are stored in the Collections page. Users can navigate to the Collections page by clicking the Collections menu in the left navigation.

Creating a New Collection

There are two ways a Collection can be created; one is using the Collections menu and the other is using the file option Add to Collection > Create New Collection.

  • Follow these steps to create a new collection using the Collections menu:
  • Go to Collections menu in left navigation
  • Click Add icon
  • Enter any name to the Collection
  • Click OK

create new collection solix ECS

Follow these steps to create a new collection using the file option:

  • Select a file
  • Right-click on it and hover on the Add to Collection option
  • Select Create New Collection
  • Enter any name to the Collection.
  • Click OK. A Collection with the entered name will be saved in the Collections page.

enter new collection name solix ECS

Adding Files to a Collection

Users can add one or more files to a collection. The file(s) can be added to a collection in the following two ways:

  • Using the file option Add to Collection.
  • Using the add icon displayed inside a Collection

Users can add files to Collection from the following locations:

  • Recent page
  • Shared with me page
  • Admin console content
  • Users view content
  • Data migration view content.

Follow these steps to add a file to a collection using the file option:

Select any file, right-click on it, and then hover on the Add to Collection option. To select multiple files, hover on the files and select the checkboxes.

Select the existing Collection from the Collection names displayed. For example, the below image shows the existing collections: “Gartner Reports”

show existing collection names solix ECS

For example, let us assume that the file is added to the Gartner Reports Collection. After the file is added, the Gartner Reports Collection option will be grayed out for that particular file as the file is already added to it.

Follow these steps to add file(s) to a collection using the add icon inside a collection:

  • Click Collections menu in the left navigation.
  • Click View option displayed on any existing Collection in which files must be added.
  • Click Add icon displayed at the bottom right corner of the page. This action displays a window at the right side of the page that contains existing ECS files under three sections: Recent, My Files, and Shared with me.
  • Select file(s) from any of these sections by selecting the checkbox against the file.
  • Click ADD TO COLLECTION. When the files are added to a Collection in both of the procedures above, a message “Added file(s) to collection successfully” appears at the bottom of the screen

Note: The button ADD TO COLLECTION appears only when one or more files are selected for adding to collection.

Viewing the Existing Collections

All the existing Collections are stored in Collection page. Navigate to Collections menu and the page displays all the Collections created in ECS. In this page, users get a glimpse of several collection details, such as collection name, number of files in each collection, and the file names of files available in the Collection.

For example, the below image displays a collection named “Gartner Reports” and it contains one file named “Decommissioning_Appl_434032_ndx.pdf ”.

show collection name and its associated files solix ECS

To view files inside a Collection

Click View option on a specific Collection

When the user clicks View, all the files inside a collection will be displayed under the section All Files. For example, the following screen displays only one file in the collection “Gartner Reports”, as it contains only one file.

open a specific collection solix ECS


  • Users can view the details of a file in the collection using information icon available at the top right corner of the page. For more information, refer to Viewing File/Folder Details.
  • Change the display pattern of all files using List or Grid pattern icons. For more information refer to Changing the Files/Folders Display patterns section.

Removing a File from the Collection

Users can remove one or more files from a Collection. When a file is removed from the Collection, it is removed only from the Collection, but not removed from its original location in ECS. Follow these steps to remove one or more files from a Collection:

Click Collections menu in the left navigation.

Click View on any collection that has more than one file.

When users click View, the files inside a collection are displayed as shown below.

To remove one file, right-click on a file, and then click Remove From Collection option.

remove collection solix ECS

To remove one or more files, hover on each file, select the checkbox, and then click Remove From Collection button that appears at the top right corner.

When Remove From collection button is clicked in both the scenarios above, a confirmation message appears on the screen as shown below.

Do any of the following:

  • Click OK to proceed with the file deletion. A message “Removed from collection successfully” appears at the bottom of the page.
  • Click Cancel to cancel the deletion activity.


  • Addition to the option “Remove From Collection”, there are other options visible to users when they right-click on a file in a collection, like Preview, Share+, and so on. For more information on each of these options, see File/Folder options.

Actions on a Collection

Users can perform Edit, Add, and Remove actions on a Collection. These options are displayed when user clicks the ellipsis icon located on a Collection


This action is for renaming the collection name.

To rename a collection:

  • Select a collection, click the ellipsis icon, and then click Edit.
  • After Edit option is clicked, a Rename Collection window is displayed on the screen.
  • Enter the desired name for Collection.
  • Do any of the following
    • Click OK. A Success message appears at the bottom of the page.
    • Click Cancel to cancel the rename action.

rename collection solix ECS


Users can use Add option to add a file to the Collection.

To add a file to the collection:

  • Select a collection, click the ellipsis icon, click Add.
  • All the files from Recent, My Files, and Shared with me folders appear at the right side of the screen as shown below.
  • Select the checkbox against the file. Users can select multiple files at once. After selecting the files, a button ADD TO COLLECTION appears at the bottom.
  • Click Add to Collection. A message “Added file(s) to collection successfully” appears at the bottom of the screen.

Other than selecting files, the following actions can be done in this files page:

  • To search for a specific file, click search icon
  • To change the files’ view mode into Grid pattern, click grid icon
  • To close the files window, click close icon

The following image shows the added file and the number of files in a collection.

collection details solix ECS


Users can use Remove option on a selected collection to permanently remove the collection. This action removes all files in the collection including the collection itself.

To remove a collection:

  • Select a collection, click ellipsis icon , and then click Remove.
  • A confirmation message appears as shown below.
  • Click OK to proceed with deletion, or click Cancel to cancel the delete activity.

remove from collection button solix ECS

remove collection success message solix ECS

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