

The Account tab maintains the information related to the following:

  • User login credentials, such as email id and password
  • The contact details of admin who created the account
  • Storage used by the user
  • Storage allocated to the user, if any. (The storage allocation appears only when an admin allots some storage to the user)

Users can modify the email address and password in this tab.

Change Email Address

To change the email address: Click Change link adjacent to the email address

change user email button

When users click Change, the following screen is displayed to the user.

change user email screen

Enter the email address. The green tick mark indicates that the entered email ID is valid.

Do any of the following:Click UPDATE. After updating successfully, a message “Verification Mail is Sent Successfully” appears under the field Email Address as shown below.

update email address button

Click CANCEL to cancel the email update activity.

Verify the email address sent in Verification Mail. The email address will be updated only when the user completes the verification.

Change Password

To change the password: In the Account tab, click Change link adjacent to the Password field.

change password

Enter the new password in Password box. The following are the password requirements:

  1. Password length must be minimum 6 characters and maximum 20 characters.
  2. Password must contain:
    1. One capital letter
    2. One small letter
    3. One special character

Note: Ensure that a green tick mark appears next to the new password. This mark indicates that the password is valid.

Re-enter the modified password in Confirm Password box.

re enter modified password

Click SUBMIT. A message “Password updated successfully” appears under the Password field as shown below.

modify password submit button

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