Feature allows user to search for files using file name, file content, and tags for the matching keyword entered in the search box.
To perform content search:
- Enter the name of the file in the search box.
Search for any file(s) can be done using search keywords based on which the search results (files) will be displayed on the screen.
For example, few of the search approaches are given below:
- When search keywords are entered using space, the search engine retrieves the files with any of the search keywords provided.
Suppose, if Bulk Data Archiving is a set of Search keywords entered, then the search results display the files which contain any of the word i.e., Bulk or Data or Archiving
- When search keywords are given within double quotation “ ”, the search engine retrieves the files which contains the complete sentience.
Suppose, if “Bulk Data Archiving” is a Search keyword entered within double quotation “ ” , then the search results display the files which contain the complete sentence word i.e., Bulk Data Archiving
- If search keywords are entered using +, the search engine retrieves the files which contains all the search keywords entered In this case, all the search keywords should exist in the file, or else search will not retrieve the file.
Suppose, if + Bulk + Data + Archiving is a Search keyword entered with plus (+) sign in between, then the search results display the files which contain the all the key words in the files i.e., Bulk and Data and Archiving.
- Click the search icon or click outside the search box. The search results will be displayed in the same page under Search Results section.
File Advance Search:
Whereas, the advanced search performs the search as per the search criteria provided by user. User can provide search criteria using the advanced search options, like name, tagged as, location, folder, and so on.
To perform an advanced search:
- Enter the file/folder name in the search box (optional).
- Click the Down Arrow icon located in the search box.
- The advanced search options are displayed as shown below.
- Enter the following details:
- Enter the name of the file/folder in the Name text field.
- Enter any words from the file content in the Has the words field.
Search for any file(s) can be done using search keywords based on which the search results (files) will be displayed on the screen.
For example, few of the search approaches are given below:
- When search keywords are entered using space, the search engine retrieves the files with any of the search keywords provided.
- Suppose, if Bulk Data Archiving is a set of Search keywords entered, then the search results display the files which contain any of the word i.e., Bulk or Data or Archiving
- When search keywords are given within double quotation “ ”, the search engine retrieves the files which contains the complete sentience.
- Suppose, if “Bulk Data Archiving” is a Search keyword entered within double quotation “ ” , then the search results display the files which contain the complete sentence word i.e., Bulk Data Archiving
- If search keywords are entered using +, the search engine retrieves the files which contains all the search keywords provided. In this case, all the search keywords should exist in the file, or else search will not retrieve the file.
- Suppose, if + Bulk + Data + Archiving is a Search keyword entered with plus (+) sign in between, then the search results display the files which contain all the key words in the files i.e., Bulk and Data and Archiving.
- Enter tags if the file/folder has any in the Tagged as This field is case sensitive. Ensure to enter the exact tag name as displayed in the file details.
- Select a file type from the list of types displayed in the drop-down, such as PDFs, Documents, and so on in the File Type field.
- Select the location of the desired file/folder in the Location There are two options available for location search: Anywhere and Choose Folder.
- If Choose Folder is selected, then a list of folders available in ECS are displayed under Select Folder Select a folder from the list, and then click Select Folder button.
- Select a check box from these options: Legal Hold, Retention, and Trash. These check boxes are used to filter the search results.
Note: All the above advanced search fields are optional.
- Do any of the following:
- Click SEARCH button to initiate the search.
- Click RESET to clear the search criteria provided.
For example
- The search results are displayed based the search criteria provided. For example, below image shows the file “Employee_Details.xlsx” resulted based on the above search criteria.