Uploading Existing Files


Sometimes, users download a file or multiple files, do some changes, and uploads the same files again. ECS provides an easy way to deal with uploading existing files.

Uploading Single Existing File

When a user tries to upload an existing file into ECS, the following screen is displayed.

existing file dialog

  • Click KEEP SEPARATE to keep the two separate copies of the same file.
  • Click SKIP to not to upload the file.
  • Click UPDATE EXISTING FILE to replace the existing file. A new version will be created when the existing file is replaced with the same file as shown below.

manage version of existing files dialog

Uploading Multiple Existing Files

When users try to upload multiple existing files, the following pop-up appears on the screen.

multiple existing files dialog

  • Users can either keep multiple files as separate or overwrite or skip all the files. If the user wants to decide for each file, then click Let me decide for each file option, which displays the list of files with drop-downs each.

multiple existing files actions dialog

  • Do any of the following:
    • Select the desired option from drop-down for each file and click CONTINUE. The selected actions will be executed for each file.
    • Click CANCEL to not to decide for each file.

Actions on Previous versions

Users can perform Download and Delete actions on the previous version copies of the file. The options are shown in the below image.

manage versions of existing files

To perform actions on the previous version:

  • Select the version and click horizontal ellipsis icon.
  • Perform the following as per the requirement:
    • Click Download to download the previous version of file.
    • Click Delete to delete the previous version copy of the file.
  • To close Manage Versions window, click close icon.


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