Previewing a File


The Preview option displays the content of a file in the same window. users can perform different actions on previewed file, like adding annotations, redacting the file, searching, and so on.

Note: The Preview option is available only for files.

To preview a file:

  • Select any existing file in ECS
  • Right-click on the selected file
  • Click Preview

preview a file solix ECS

The file preview opens in the same window. For example, the following image shows the preview of the selected file “file_example.xls”.

preview file window solix ecs

Preview tools

At the bottom of the preview window, few preview icons are displayed. These icons are used for better preview experience. The following table contains these preview icons along with descriptions.

Option Description
select previewed file solix ECS To select the text in the previewed file.
move around previewed file solix ECS To move around the previewed file.
zoom out previewed file solix ECS To zoom out the previewed file.
zoom in previewed file solix ECS To Zoom in the previewed file.
fit contents of file in preview window solix ECS To fit the contents of the file in preview window.
see previewed file solix ECS To see previewed file in full screen.

Right panel

At the right side of the preview screen, information and comment icons are displayed. Expand the panel by clicking left arrow icon and click the following icons to see details and comments of the file.

Icon Description
details of previewed file solix ECS To see the details of previewed file.
add comments to previewed file solix ECS To view and add comments to the previewed file.

Top panel

The top panel displays file name of the previewed file and the following icons:

Icon Description
preview of previous file solix ECS To see the preview of previous file.
preview of next file solix ECS To see the preview of next file.
download of previewed file solix ECS To download the previewed file.
sharing of previewed file solix ECS To share the previewed file with people. The file can be shared as a link as well. For more information, refer to Sharing a File/Folder.
file options for previewed file solix ECS To see the file options for the previewed file. For information, refer to Viewing File/Folder options.

Actions on the Previewed File

On the preview page, some menu items are displayed. Each menu item displays tools and icons to perform various actions on the previewed file. The following table contains the preview menu items and descriptions. Click on each menu item for more information.

Menu Item Description
View The preview of the file in this menu. There are some icons in the View page to perform actions on the previewed file, such as zoom in, rectangle zoom, rotate, and so on.
Search Users can perform search in the previewed file in this page. To refine the search, use the search options available in this menu.
Annotate Users can give annotations to the previewed file using tools displayed in the menu, like arrows, lines, and so on.
Redact Redact option is used when users want to redact some areas of the previewed file to make it compliant with the legal and security policies that a company follows.
E-Sign Using E-sign menu, users can add digital signatures to the previewed file. E-sign related tools are displayed in this menu.


The preview of the file is displayed in the View page. Users can use hand icon () to move around the previewed file. There are different View tools that a user can use to perform actions on the previewed file.

The following table contains the list of icons displayed in the View menu, along with actions.

Tool/Icon Action
number of pages in a file solix ECS To view the number of pages in the file that display at the left side.
zoom in to file solix ECS To zoom in the file.
zoom into selected area of file solix ECS To zoom in the selected rectangle area on the file.
rotate file solix ECS To rotate the entire file.
rotate page in file solix ECS To rotate a page in the file.
edit images in file solix ECS To work on the images in the file.

Image tools contain settings for Sharpness, Gamma, and Line Width. Adjust these settings as required.

Note: Hover on any search tool to see its tooltip.


Users can search the previewed file by providing the input in the search box. The input can be a word or a phrase. To get more refined search results, select related tools displayed under Search menu. The following image shows the Search box and related tools.

search previewed file solix ECS

The following table contains the search tools along with action.

Tool/Icon Action
search file solix ECS To initiate the search activity.
search exact match solix ECS To search for exact matching of word or phrase provided in the search box.
search case sensitive in files solix ECS To search for the input with exact matching of the input case. For example, if “Name” is given as input, then the search activity shows results matching the exact case of “Name”. The search does not show “name” as a search result if this icon is selected.
search for exact match in files solix ECS To search for the exact match of whole word provided in the search box as the input.
search content begins with word solix ECS To search for the content that begins with the word or phrase provided as input in the search box.
search content ends with word solix ECS To search for the content that ends with the word or phrase provided as input in the search box.
search with file properties solix ECS To search for the given input that can have any properties in the file. When this icon is selected, the other icons are disabled except for Match Case and Proximity Search icons.
search within proximity solix ECS To search for words or phrases within the proximity of the given input.
search results solix ECS Indicates the search options. When this icon is clicked, the search results window opens at the left side of the previewed file.

Note: Hover on any search tool to see its tooltip.

To search for a word or a phrase in the file:

  • Enter the input in the search box.
  • Select the required search tools (optional).
  • Click the Search Tool

The results will be displayed as shown below.

search results screen solix ECS


Users can add annotations to the previewed file, like adding text or shapes. When Annotate menu is selected, some annotation icons are displayed. Use these icons to give different annotations to the file, such as adding arrows, lines, freehand line, text, and so on. The following image shows the Annotate menu and its related icons:

All the Annotation related icons are mentioned in the table below, with actions.

Tool/Icon Action
show user annotations solix ECS To display all the annotation layers of the previewed file. When this icon is clicked, a window opens at the left side that displays the user annotations and the annotations for review. This icon is displayed in the Redact menu also.
add arrow to previewed file solix ECS To add an arrow to the previewed file.
add line to previewed file solix ECS To add a line to the previewed file.
add rectangle to previewed file solix ECS To add a rectangle to the previewed file.
add ellipse to previewed file solix ECS To add an ellipse to the previewed file.
add freehand line to previewed file solix ECS To add a freehand line that moves along with the cursor.
add line annotation connecting points solix ECS To add the line annotation that connects several points.
add text to previewed file solix ECS To add the text to the previewed file.
highlight annotation to previewed file solix ECS To highlight the annotation.
strike through annotation previewed file solix ECS To strike through the annotation.
add hyperlink to text solix ECS To give a hyperlink to the text added using text annotation.
add stamp to previewed file solix ECS To add a stamp to the previewed file.
add image as stamp to previewed file solix ECS To add an image as a stamp to the previewed file.


  • Hover on any tool/icon to see its tooltip.
  • Users can move and scale the annotations added to the previewed file.

Actions on Annotations:

When users click on any annotation, a toolbox appears at the right side of the screen as shown in the below figure.

Users can perform the following actions using the tools/icons displayed on the above toolbox:

  • Change the color of annotation
  • Adjust the color and line thickness
  • Add comments
  • Arrange annotation layers
  • Delete the annotation


The Redact menu allows to edit the previewed file to make it compliant with legal or security policies that a company follows. When Redact menu is clicked, some Redact related tools are displayed. Users can use the Redact icons to perform actions on a previewed file, such as adding filled rectangle, redacting full pages, and so on. The following image shows the Redact menu and its tools.
redact support for previewed file solix ECS
All the Redact related tools/icons are mentioned in the table below, with actions.

show annotation layers of previewed file solix ECS To display all the annotation layers of the previewed file. When this icon is clicked, a window opens at the left side that displays the user annotations and annotations for review.
add filled rectangle to previewed file To add a filled rectangle to the previewed file.
obscure the selected text on the previewed file To obscure the selected text on the previewed file.
obscure several pages in the previewed file To obscure several pages in the previewed file for legal or security reasons. When this icon is clicked, the following Redact Full Pages pop-up appears.

To redact full pages:

  1. Select the pages.
  2. Enter or select a reason.
  3. Click Redact.

Click Cancel to cancel the Redact full pages activity.

display the redaction view of the current page To display the redaction view of the current page. After performing redactions, click this icon to view redactions.

Note: Hover an any icon to see its tooltip.


E-Sign menu is used to add digital signature to the previewed file. There are different icons available to add the signature in different ways, like adding freehand signature, text signature, date, and so on. The following image show the E-Sign menu and its related icons.

The following table contains the tools/icons available in E-Sign menu, along with actions.

Tool/Icon Action
(Create Freehand Signature) To create a freehand signature:

  1. Select this icon.
  2. Press and hold the mouse.
  3. Draw signature.
(Create Text Signature) To add the text signature on the previewed file. When this icon is clicked, the following pop-up is displayed.

  1. Use keyboard to enter the name.
  2. Select the checkbox Save for later to save the checkbox for later use (optional).
  3. Click Save to save the entered text signature.

Click Clear to erase the entered signature in the signature box.

Click Cancel to cancel the activity of adding signature.

(Place E-signature) To place an electronic signature on the previewed file.
(Place Date) To place the date on the previewed file as part of the signature.

Note: Hover an any icon to see its tooltip.

There are few other tools/icons available in the menus displayed on the Previewed file. Some icons are common and some are very specific to single menu. These icons are displayed at the top right corner of the preview page. The following table displays the tools/icons and the respective actions.

Tools/Icons Action
Save Annotations To save all the annotations added to the previewed file. When this icon is clicked, a dialog appears asking to give a name for the annotation markup layer. Enter the layer name and click OK. This icon is displayed under Annotations and Redact menus.
Load Annotation To load all the annotation layers added to the previewed file. This icon is displayed under Annotations and Redact menus.
Comments Panel To display the comments added to previewed file in comments panel. This icon is displayed under Annotations, Redact, and E-Sign menus.
Print To print the previewed file. When Print icon is clicked, a Print pop-up opens displaying some settings, like Orientation, Pages, Paper Size, etc. Specify the settings and click Print to initiate the print process. This icon is displayed only in the View menu.
Download To download the previewed file with annotations. This icon is displayed under all menus.



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