

In this tab, users can integrate ECS account with other approved applications. The integration with other applications helps users to manage everything at one place. This facility enables the user to store the emails and attachments from other applications at a desired location in ECS. This makes the user job easy in managing multiple files and folders from different accounts.

To create a new integration:

  • Go to Integrations tab and click Create New Integration.

integrations tab

  • The following screen is displayed

integration screen

Enter the following details related to the application for integration:

  • Email: enter the email address of the application.
  • Password: enter the password
  • Choose Folder for Extracted Emails: Select the existing ECS folder by clicking Choose Path button to store extracted emails from the integration application.

email integration

Choose Folder from My Files: Select the existing ECS folder by clicking the Choose Path button to store extracted attachments from My Files for the integration application.

email integration select folders

Create New Folder: By selecting the My Files section, we can create New Folder extract emails.

email integration create new folder

  • Mail Server: enter the mail server address of the application.
  • Auth Type: Select the authentication type from the drop-down.
  • Port: Enter the port number of the mail server.
  • Frequency of Pull: Select the frequency of pulling the data from the integrated application. For example, if this frequency is selected as 15 minutes, then the data will be retrieved or pulled from the application every 15 minutes.

Click Test Connection. A message “Connection Successful” appears at the bottom of the page. At the same time, the buttons: SUBMIT appear on the screen.

Verify the integration details and click SUBMIT.

Actions on an Integration:

Users can perform edit and delete activities on an existing integration. In the Integration tab, each existing integration has these two options.

  • To edit an existing integration, click Edit.
  • To remove an existing integration, click Delete.

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